Miley v rdečem lateks pajacu, ki je nekakšna “odrasla” verzija tistega, ki ga je pred leti v videu za”Oops! … I Did It Again” nosila Britney Spears. Odrasla verzija predvsem zato, ker ima Mileyjin pajac na intimne delu ostre zobe. Sicer pa je Miley sama pesem Mother’s Daughter opisala kot “hudo feministično himno”, v videu pa so nastopile številne zanimive in močne ženske kot so Mileyjina mama Tish Cyrus, trans model Casil McArthur, rolkarka Lacey Baker, plesalka Amazon Ashley, Vandela, model Aaron Philip, igralka Angelina Duplisea, in igralka Mela Murder.
Odzivi na video Miley Cyrus za pesem Mother’s Daughter so se na twitterju kar vrstili:
"there must be something in the water / either that or I'm my mother's daughter" is a really, really great lyric & it's a bummer the rest of the song isn't half as good
— Kelley Dunlap (@kelleylocke) July 2, 2019